Student Welfare


Why do you need to read this?

As your school we need to use information about you. We do this for a number of reasons. This form tells you what information we use about you and why we use it. It is very important that information about you is kept safe.

We explain below how Our Lady’s keeps your information safe. If you want to know anything about what we do with information about you then please ask your teacher, or speak to your parents or guardians and ask them to contact the school.

The school wants you to feel free to raise any questions at all. We also have a person called the Data Protection Officer at the school. They can answer any questions you have about what the school does with your information.

If you or your parents or guardian want to speak to them, then you can do at:

Ms Barbara Newman
Data Protection Officer
All Saints Catholic High School
6-16 Amhurst Park, London N16 5AF