
All Saints Catholic High School is a place of learning. We achieve this by maintaining high expectations of the individual, appreciating that we are all members of a diverse community, living our Catholic faith and embracing the values of our Servite founders:

  • Compassion
  • Service
  • Community
  • Openness/Respect for Diversity
  • Holistic Approach
  • Marian Identity
  • Universality
  • Evangelisation

Underlying Principle

We are each unique individuals, created in the image of God and relationships are formed through mutual respect between all members of our community.

Our aim is to be proactive in promoting good behaviour, reminding students of our expectations and celebrating all the successes in school. Students should be very clear as to the consequences of choosing to behave inappropriately and these consequences will be applied fairly and consistently.

Our guiding expectations are that students are to be PEACEFUL, POLITE and PUNCTUAL at all times.


The role of a school in the life of a child should not be underestimated. As well as teaching students subjects like English, Maths, and the Sciences, schools also teach students how they should behave in society: one of our most important roles is to provide students with very clear guidance about what it is okay to do, or not do, in the real world. With this in mind we have broken our key expectations of our students down into five key words known as Our Lady’s ‘Five P’s’.



We at Our Lady’s expect students to move around the building appropriately in a peaceful manner, this is inclusive at unstructured times (break/lunch/change over) and also within our community outside of the school walls. It goes without saying we also expect our students to be peaceful within their learning environments.


We expect students to try to overcome every challenge they face in their learning. If a student challenges themselves to make progress in their learning everyday then they will access the learning opportunities being offered to them.


We expect students to arrive at school and lessons on time. If a student always arrives at school and lessons on time then they are present for 100% of the learning time and are not interrupting their own or others' learning, in essence: they are ready to learn and ready to allow others to learn. Any student who is meeting these expectations will make progress in their learning and will allow others to make progress in their learning. The rest of this document sets out in more detail how the school has turned these expectations into a workable and understandable structure to help support students to access their learning in a way that allows the school to be a safe and supportive environment for all of our students and staff to learn in.


It is vital that all students are prepared to make the most of every learning experience, where students are well prepared. More time spent on learning tasks will lead to more favourable outcomes. We expect our students to bring in appropriate equipment such as books, planners and pencil cases on a daily basis. We also expect our students to maintain a good uniform in and around the school.


We expect students to engage with each activity in every lesson they go. They show this by sitting up straight and listening to the person speaking. If a student is on task 100% of the time then there will be no distraction to their learning and they will be able to access the learning opportunity in that moment.

Our Community Expectations


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Behaviour Policy 240122 31st Jan 2023 Download