Our Team

Strategic Leadership Team

First Name Last Name Role
Andy English Headteacher
Declan Tierney Assistant Head
Lucy Nye Assistant Head
David Carter Assistant Head
Laura Rose Assistant Head
Natasha William Assistant Head
Barbara Newman Business Manager
Shreena Sowden Head of Year 10/Shadow SLT


Governing Body


Last Name Role
Mr Andrew Carrick Foundation Governor Chair
Ms Sarah Sheawuo Foundation Governor
Mrs Ann Marie Charles Foundation Governor
Ms Jacqueline Callcut Foundation Governor Vice Chair
(Send & RE link)
Dr Margaret McDonagh Foundation Governor
Mr Paul Carroll Foundation Governor
Fr Carlos Quito Foundation Governor
Ms Ahisat Edwards Parent Governor
Mr James Malinzi Parent Governor
Mr Leonard Benn  LA Governor
Mrs Jaya Mitra Staff Governor
Ms Fiere Habte Woldebruk Co-opted Governor
Mr Alexander Coyle Co-opted Governor
Mr Andy English Ex-officio - Headteacher

Head of Departments/Year


Art & Technology
Shreena Sowden Teacher/Head of Year 10/Shadow SLT
Aminah Pierre Head of Creative Arts
Lucy Nye Teacher/Assistant Headteacher/Safeguarding Lead
Business Studies
David Bailey Head of Sixth Form
Alan Urwin Deputy Head of Sixth Form
Emma Neary Shadow SLT
Head of Citizenship Department
Jade Adams Head of Year 7
Khaleel Gulam Husen Teacher
Auburnita Walker Head of Year 7&8
Declan Tierney Teacher/Assistant Headteacher
Elizabeth Tunnicliffe Head of English Department
Ellen Mackie Deputy/Head of Department
Elizabeth Rigby Teacher (part-time)
Jaya Mitra Head of Geography
Emma Neary Head of PSHE
Shadow SLT
Khaleel Gulam Husen Teacher
Government & Politics
Laura Rose Assistant Headteacher
Head of History Department
Health and Social Care
Catherine Adomo Health and Social Care
Abigail Holmes Deputy Head of Social Sciences/Gifted and Talented Coordinator
Laura Rose Head of History Department
Assistant Headteacher
Khaleel Gulam Husen Teacher
Khaleel Gulam Husen Teacher
ICT & Computer Science
Alan Urwin Teacher
Christine Bedneau SENCO
Christine Bedneau SENCO
Jacqueline Richards Pastoral Support Manager
Dianne Bramble Taylor Counsellor (part time)
Dave Gadhvi Head of Maths Department
Weronika Kowalczyk Teacher
Joseph Mills-Dadson Assistant Head of Department
Malgorzata Kozlowska Teacher
Declan Dillane Teacher
Sandrine Robinson Teacher/Head of Department
Anastasia Balabanis Teacher (Spanish)
Joshua Scholes Teacher (Spanish)
Hayat Deghmous Cover Supervisor (French)
Connor Tempest-Roe Teacher (Part-time)
Pam Wilburn Head of PE Department
Virginia Lopes Head of Year 11
Emma Neary Head of PSHE
Abigail Holmes Deputy Head of Social Sciences
Kolchuma  Begum Teacher
Angela Bokoko Teacher
Kaius Ikejezie Teacher
Sophie Flynn Teacher (Maternity Leave)
Henry Sykes Head of Science Department
Dave Carter Teacher/Assistant Headteacher
Maeve Kavanagh Teacher
Natasha William Teacher/Assistant Headteacher
Serva Sayedi Teacher
Patrick Shine Head of Year 10
Shadow SLT

Support Staff


Teaching Assistants
Matende Mavungu IER Supervisor
Simon Cook Senior Science Technician
Shukla Das Science Technician
Lachmy Devy Creative Arts Technician
Administration Staff
Siobhan Billings Receptionist/Administration Assistant
Laura Faimali Receptionist/Administration Assistant
Juliana Majercikova HR Officer
Yordanos Meconnen Cover Supervisor
Hayat Deghmous Cover Supervisor
Barbara Newman Business Manager
Ms Nelson Headteacher's PA
Lorna Rhoden Office Manager
Mary Thomson Finance Officer
Andrea Toth Marketing and Exams Officer
Mimi Bolindo  
Janet Christian  
Mbo Mpika  
Fatima Mussa  
Mbongo Pembele  
Amelia Nascimento  
School Chaplains
Sister Dominic Savio School Chaplain (part time)
Sister Karen Trafankowska Support for Catholic Life and Choir Director )part-time)
Catering Staff
Jacob Chacko Catering Assistant
Georgina Cooper Catering Assistant
Saber Misraoui Cook
Garry Rhoden Chef Manager
External Service Providers
Jonathan Howard Careers Adviser (1 day a week)
Lee Jabar IT Support (RM)
Site Team
Jason Cyprien Asst Premises Manager
Ian Parker Asst Premises Manager
Nick Voniatis Premises Assistant