ICT and Computer Science

Choose a subject


At Key Stage 3, students learn to be responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology.

They start to understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, and use IT to analyse problems. They gain practical experience of writing computer programs in order to solve problems, and gain a better understanding of computer hardware and software.


Key Stage 3 Course Content:

Year 7

Autumn term


Collaborating Online 


Spring term

Computer systems

Computational thinking

Summer term

Programming Essentials

Modelling Data

Year 8 

Autumn term              

Web Development

Representations: from clay to silicon

Spring term

Event Driven Programming

Media: Vector Graphics

Summer term

Python Programming

Using Media: Blog creation

Year 9

Autumn term    

Future Technology (CAD)

Mobile App development

Spring term

Python Programming 

Multimedia Product Design

Summer term

Multimedia Product Creation 


Key Stage 4 Course Content - ICT

Option subject: ICT

Qualification Gained Level 2 Technical Award

NCFE Interactive Media

Potential Tiers of Entry Level 1 and Level 2

Course Content: 

Interactive Media is the integration of digital media including combinations of electronic text, graphics,moving images and sound into a structured digital computerised environment that allows people to interact with the data for appropriate purposes.

The qualification focuses on an applied study of the interactive media sector and learners will gain a broad understanding and knowledge of working in the sector. Interactive Media offers the chance to experience working with cutting edge technologies to create engaging digital experiences in a range of environments. It introduces you to design contexts and development opportunities in use for digital media. 

Learn the fundamentals of programming, web technologies and design and visualisation techniques. The course also has a large focus on Digital  Project Management.

Assessment methods

Internally assessed and externally quality assured portfolio of evidence and externally set question assignment. Internal assessment 60% and the external assessment accounts for 40% of the final grade Learners are required to successfully complete.  Learners must also achieve a minimum of a Pass in the external Assessment.

Studying this course will provide you with the opportunity to develop:

  • Identify and experiment with interactive media products, materials,
    techniques and processes.

  • Developing Websites and content i.e images, video and sound

    • Explore the interactive media industry.

    • Work on interactive media briefs, refining, developing and selecting ideas.

    • Form an interactive media portfolio.

  • Develop Interactive Media software skills set and to use tools to meet specific business requirements while developing skills to enhance documents of a variety of file types.

  • Project Management. Learners will develop skills and knowledge that are essential for the modern workplace, such as team working; presentation skills; independent working; project management; efficient use of resources.

Key Stage 4 Course Content - Computer Science

Option subject: Computer Science

Qualification Gained GCSE
Board OCR
Potential Tiers of Entry One Common Tier

Course Content:

Component 01: Computer systems


Introduces students to the central processing unit (CPU), computer memory and storage, data representation, wired and wireless networks, network topologies, system security and system software. It also looks at ethical, legal, cultural and environmental concerns associated with computer science.

Component 02: Computational thinking, algorithms and programming

Students apply knowledge and understanding gained in component 01. They develop skills and understanding in computational thinking: algorithms, programming techniques, producing robust programs, computational logic and translators.

Practical programming

Students are to be given the opportunity to undertake a programming task(s) during their course of study which allows them to develop their skills to design, write, test and refine programs using a high-level programming language. Students will be assessed on these skills during the written examinations, in particular component 02 (section B).

Assessment methods

50% exam on unit 1 Computer Systems.

50% exam on Computational thinking, algorithms and programming

Studying this course will provide you with the opportunity to develop:

  • Computational thinking as its core, helping students to develop the skills to solve problems, design systems and understand human and machine intelligence

  • Applying the academic principles they learn in the classroom to real-world systems in an exciting and engaging way

  • Giving students a clear progression into higher education, as the course was designed after consultation with members of BCS, CAS and top universities.